Wednesday, January 26, 2011

Jenny - Our Donkey

Here is Jenny, our new donkey. She stayed in the rabbit barn for a couple of nights till we finished her new pen. The rabbits were scared .....
She is now in her new area and loves grazing. Jenny comes up to the gate when Mary goes out to play with her. I think she is getting use to us now.
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Busy day

So I worked really hard outside on the farm today! I scooped out the rabbit barn, went and bought hay, did sorting and cleaning in barn & then I took the kids with me to do some cleaning at back of property where we had unloaded the storage shed we gave to Jenny. We worked really hard out there for like 4 hours! I bet my kids are gonna sleep good tonight--haha! A friend of mine is coming here over the weekend. She has never been here before so I want the place looking great! She will be trimming Jenny's hooves too. Excited about that. Today I went ahead and I actually picked up jenny's front feet. Wasn't scary at all like I thought it would be. Oh I am trying to get a feel for how much Jenny eats too. I gave her 2 patties of hay this morning and she never even ate it all like I thought she would. Then tonight I probably gave her a cup of corn & horse feed all mixed up.

Tomorrow I plan to fluff up the chicken coops with some wood chips and add hay to the nextboxes. I enjoy fluffing the coops and playing with the chickens!


Sunday, January 23, 2011


We got a donkey on Friday! I have been looking for a donkey. We got Jenny for $200 and that included delivery! She is great! She spent a few nights in our rabbit barn, but today she is out and about in her 1/4 acre pen Daryl put up for her. She loves it too! Soon as I get done with lunch I will go see how she is doing. We went ahead and used our fence we were gonna put up at the front of the property. Jenny needs her own space. Plus rabbits were ready for her to move out--haha! She was knocking all the rabbit feeders off the cages and we had a few, "jail breaks". Everybody has been caught though. Jenny either smelled the food in the feeders or she was bored. She is looking great in her new pen now though. There is a donkey that lives way back behind us. We don't see him, but we hear him and she does too. When he HeeHaws she does too. It is great!

i will have pics up soon!


Tuesday, January 18, 2011

Mixy the free range rabbit.

Here is mixy, she is one of three free range rabbits. Mixy just lounging around.
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Waiting line

Here are two of our cochin hens. Spagetti is waiting her turn in the nest box. Even though we have two nest boxes, salsa and Spagetti loves that one.
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New fence.

Here is our new entry way. We are putting up new fence around our five a acres.
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Saturday, January 15, 2011

King rabbit

Here is one of our Rex rabbits playing ontop her little castle. She is being cute hoping someone sees her and wants to take her home.
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Macho Man

Here is our 2nd generation rooster. His name is Macho Man, becauce he knows what is going on. Wink, Wink.
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Here's our cat, snickers. As you can see she has been somewhere she wasn't suppose to. Little cobwebs on her face.

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Chicken Coops

I did some cleaning in the coops today. Got the shovel out and did some serious scooping! It really needed cleaned out in flock #2 coop and used some cinder blocks in chicken house blocking off wood chips from water areas. That way I am not making stinky "chicken poo patties". When the chickens would scratch the wood chips into the overflow bowl and clog it up it would just make such a mess! I plan to buy feed on Thursday and think i will get a few bags of pine chips and freshen all the coops, they need it!



Fencing has been going well. Daryl & I are out there working every day he is off work. I would say we have 90% of the wood posts done! We also talked with neighbor on other side of us. Her old horse fence was on our property. Tomorrow I think we will be taking it down so we can put up our last posts. We're getting there! By next  payday we will be buying another roll of fence & metal posts.


Sunday, January 9, 2011

rabbit breeding

Last night we headed out to the rabbit barn and bred some rabbits. We were out there well over a hour and I think we got some good matches. We left them together over night too. And the plan is to rebreed the same ones next Saturday to make sure it took. I am so ready to have kits again. I miss having the baby buns! (we really need new ones to sell too)

Also groomed our giant angora Popcorn. She is so pretty, but poor girl gets so knotted. Daryl gave her a trim, but after that she wasn't in the mood for breeding so we will breed her next week.

I was still thinking about getting the Leghorn chicks. After spending the $1000 on fencing the budget is a little low so I will have to see how much they are. Won't hurt to wait a month or so on them. I just get excited when it comes to the chickens and getting a few more was pretty exciting!

Ok...gonna finish up breakfast then head outside with Daryl to start the fence! It is cooler today so we better work hard so we warm up!


Yesterday I went with the next door neighbor and I bought fencing. $1000 worth & still do not have it all. Still need 2 rolls of fence and a million metal posts...ok really 60 posts. Today we work on fence and I am thrilled!


Saturday, January 8, 2011

new ankle bracelets

Here is purple with her first pink ankle bracelet.
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Tuesday, January 4, 2011

After picure.

Well it's done. Did not take that long to do.
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Fitting the coop with new fencing

Before picture of the coop. We are fixing up the coop area for our 2nd generation EE's.
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Monday, January 3, 2011

Zaxby's Coop

Today we work on covering Zaxby's coop. We need to let the 3 & 4 month old EE hens out on the ground! The are getting so big and they are blocked into 1 side of the coop. We did that so they could grow up in the coop they were always going to live in. I am sure there will be pics later of the chickens out on the ground!