Sunday, May 22, 2011

sold the bantams

So we have sold all the hens we wanted too. Even sold 2 turkey hens! We have like 5 more roosters. The plan was to take them to auction, but hey, we may just eat them! A few of them are just so pretty though. Seems ashame to just eat them. Plus a night at the auction is just so fun!


Rooster Time!

So we did our 1st rooster today! We watched a youtube video and did it. Wasn't too hard at all. Baked chicken for dinner tomorrow!


Saturday, May 21, 2011


So we decided to lighten our load of chickens. I wanta clear out the chicken house and have it as a feed/storage room. Sold a friend of ours the bulk of our laying hens, turkeys and some roosters. The rest that do not sell go to auction in 2 weeks. I will be able to spend more time with the chickens I keep and the other animals I have this way :)  Hatching has been fun, but I am ready to scale back and just have pets. Plus it was getting to be alot of work! Soon we will have pics to post of the changes!!!!


Friday, May 20, 2011

Jenny's water line

Mary is digging the line for Jenny's water. Six feet done and forty more to go.
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Tuesday, May 3, 2011

Sugar cane

Update on our sugar cane. Its getting tall. Grows just like bamboo and looks like it too. Not sure what we are going to do with it? Maybe grow more of it and sell it?
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Here is our three little ducks. They are getting so big. They love to swim around the pool and play.
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Our cabbage.

Here is our cabbage we grew. It is kindof small but still cute. I know the pigs love.
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Sunday, May 1, 2011


Our turkeys have been hatching!!!! So far we have 20 new turkeys and I love them all! All bronze except 4 and they are black spanish. The hatch rate with the turkeys is really high. So far out of 20 eggs only 2 did not hatch. Tom is the man out there! Haha! Looks like laying season is coming to a end though. Not getting as many turkey eggs. It has been fun saving and hatching them. I am ready to start hatching some chickens too though!


Easter was wonderful

We had good sales this easter! With Daryl's good planning with had a great amount of baby rabbits for Easter! Still have a few leftover and I need to put a few ads out. Every year we try and put the money back into the rabbitry. This year we plan to hang out rabbit cages and make a flush clean system. I am excited about the barn changes!