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Monday, December 26, 2011
Jennifer Freeman
Jenny was so funny! She stood there for 15 minutes with the bows! My ass is so cute !! Her and Jackie had a good Christmas. The got presents too! They are my fuzzy kids!
Saturday, December 17, 2011
baby Marsha!
Isabella's adorable kit is doing well. I tote her around all the time. She is nuzzled in a gerbil bed right here in the pic. She lives the bed. In another week she won't fit!
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Wednesday, December 7, 2011
fall garden
This is my 1st ever winter garden. I never knew any plants would survive the freezing nights. So far it is looking really great.
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silly jenny
The kids and U cleared a pretty good section of the property last week. As we drug the limbs and trees to the burn pit area Jenny would scope out what we had! Jenny is so fun!
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My friend's nanny goat had the cutest kid last Thursday! I love her! And look at those spots!
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Thursday, December 1, 2011
Pretty cold morning in Florida! In the 20s and thick frost. Kids and I had fun blowing the frost off the fences and saying it was snow!
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Wednesday, November 30, 2011
Farm Life
So trying to think of the top farm news here... Oh, I accidently bred a pregnant rabbit. It was so early in the morning & I just wasn't thinking. Can they really get pregnant again while pregnant? Isabella (pregnant doe) is due on Friday. She is one of my favorite so we brought her inside :) She is a hotot lionhead.
Donkeys are doing well. Still working with Jenny with her ground manners...lunging, backing up, ect. She was kinda moody Monday when I worked with her. I am thinking she was not loving my winter gear. Hats kinda freak her out. And now the mini donkey, Jackie, is getting super stubbern and won't walk with me. Looks like he will be getting some trainning here soon too!
I was given a very nice E-lop rabbit on Monday too! I am very excited to have my new buck Dash! Gonna give him a few weeks to get settled in and then it will be time to meet the ladies! Oh yeah!
Donkeys are doing well. Still working with Jenny with her ground manners...lunging, backing up, ect. She was kinda moody Monday when I worked with her. I am thinking she was not loving my winter gear. Hats kinda freak her out. And now the mini donkey, Jackie, is getting super stubbern and won't walk with me. Looks like he will be getting some trainning here soon too!
I was given a very nice E-lop rabbit on Monday too! I am very excited to have my new buck Dash! Gonna give him a few weeks to get settled in and then it will be time to meet the ladies! Oh yeah!
Donkeys are so cute !!! Had a little photo shoot with them both at feeding time this morning.
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Tuesday, November 15, 2011
Friday, October 7, 2011
I saw these two butterflies while Daryl & I were looking at the garden. There are lots of butterflies out now & I love them all!
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Thursday, September 29, 2011
Wednesday, September 14, 2011
Goodbye piggies! We made the choice to go ahead and sell the girls. I put a great price on all 3 and listed on craigslist. Sold within 24 hours. Pigs eat so much! There is no way people save money by raising their own pigs and eating them. Not with the price of feed now. So as much as we wanted to finish out the whole experience with pigs we just didn't.
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body guard
So we have the roosters out freeranging so we can have some fertile eggs. I am getting used to the guys being out. Neither of the roosters are the over aggressive type. The only time they attack is when I have the food scoop (which is scary, but I can deal with just that) I haven't seen too much rooster/hentastic action in the yard, but there are piles of feathers so soothing is going down when I am not watching - hehe
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This is our new mini donkey we named Jackie! We got him on Tuesday. Actually got him in the back of the jeep in a friends dog carrier we borrowed. It was a interesting ride home!
Jackie is a feisty little guy and today a horse trainer I know came over and helped me with halter breaking him. This is going to be lots of work, but it will be so worth it!
Jackie is a feisty little guy and today a horse trainer I know came over and helped me with halter breaking him. This is going to be lots of work, but it will be so worth it!
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Thursday, August 25, 2011
I was unable to post from my phone for quite awhile. Looks like it is working again so woohoo! Here come the posts!
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Our turtle! He lives on our property. He recent moved across the way to a area we go to less. Guess there was too much foot traffic by the garden.
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Wednesday, July 13, 2011
free rangers
So yesterday I decided I was tired of my plants getting ate so I rounded up the free range rabbits. I will definitely miss them running up to me in the yard. I am just sad about them eating every plant I don't fence up. It looks like my plants are in jail! Ha ha! So I caught all except Hoshie 2. I just can't find her. This morning Daryl & I unfenced some of the plants and pulled weeds. Oh the yard looks so much better without fencing around the flower beds. May post some ads for $5 rabbits now. Need to sell the free rangers or just take to auction. Mary
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Monday, July 11, 2011
What a wonderful afternoon. Got my ass out, chickens are free ranging as always & it wasn't a million degrees cause of rain & cloud cover. Life on the farm is the best!
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Holy S...
The free range rabbit have a giant tunnel under the feed room! I fill it & they dig it back out! Yikes!!!!
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Sunday, July 10, 2011
duck pond
Duck pond is all done. Ducks love it, but we seem to have a green pond issue now. Ewwwwww! So reading up on ponds to see what we can do. I read that even a pond without ducks will turn green in the heat & full sun.
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Wednesday, July 6, 2011
Sunday, June 26, 2011
Jenny behind the pink string.
Here is Jenny in her new temporary pen. We used some pink string and marked off a little section. Just wondering if she would stay inside the pink string area or not.
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Saturday, June 25, 2011
The newbie that hatched last night! Congrats to us, it's a polish
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Rabbits were hanging out under the trees looking adorable! Had to take like 5 pics to get them all in a picture! Silly rabbits kept moving! We love the free ranging rabbits. Every afternoon they are behind the house and we get to hand feed them dog biscuits. Now we do have to put fencing around any important plants or they will eat them too!
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Sunday, June 12, 2011
Feeding time!
This is how it looks by the barn most afternoons. All the "girlfriends" and the rabbits are out to greet me. I love it and look forward to it everyday! They all act like they haven't eaten in years! But they have eaten just a few hours earlier. It never gets old.
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My pretty inside rabbit Abby! She is my supermodel rabbit! And she has the additude too!
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Sunday, June 5, 2011
Friday, June 3, 2011
farm life
Here is Mini Muff running by the cat Snickers-hehe.... We had a good day working outside. Cleaned the turkeyletts, made a teenage turkeylett pen, and cleaned the misting system for the rabbits.
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Look at Jenny's blanket
So yesterday my friend Kim gave me a saddle and tons of horse gear! I am so thrilled! Today I had her wearing the blanket and she did great. Oh I can't wait till I can ride her!!!
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Sunday, May 22, 2011
sold the bantams
So we have sold all the hens we wanted too. Even sold 2 turkey hens! We have like 5 more roosters. The plan was to take them to auction, but hey, we may just eat them! A few of them are just so pretty though. Seems ashame to just eat them. Plus a night at the auction is just so fun!
Rooster Time!
So we did our 1st rooster today! We watched a youtube video and did it. Wasn't too hard at all. Baked chicken for dinner tomorrow!
Saturday, May 21, 2011
So we decided to lighten our load of chickens. I wanta clear out the chicken house and have it as a feed/storage room. Sold a friend of ours the bulk of our laying hens, turkeys and some roosters. The rest that do not sell go to auction in 2 weeks. I will be able to spend more time with the chickens I keep and the other animals I have this way :) Hatching has been fun, but I am ready to scale back and just have pets. Plus it was getting to be alot of work! Soon we will have pics to post of the changes!!!!
Friday, May 20, 2011
Jenny's water line
Mary is digging the line for Jenny's water. Six feet done and forty more to go.
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Tuesday, May 3, 2011
Sugar cane
Update on our sugar cane. Its getting tall. Grows just like bamboo and looks like it too. Not sure what we are going to do with it? Maybe grow more of it and sell it?
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Here is our three little ducks. They are getting so big. They love to swim around the pool and play.
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Our cabbage.
Here is our cabbage we grew. It is kindof small but still cute. I know the pigs love.
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Sunday, May 1, 2011
Our turkeys have been hatching!!!! So far we have 20 new turkeys and I love them all! All bronze except 4 and they are black spanish. The hatch rate with the turkeys is really high. So far out of 20 eggs only 2 did not hatch. Tom is the man out there! Haha! Looks like laying season is coming to a end though. Not getting as many turkey eggs. It has been fun saving and hatching them. I am ready to start hatching some chickens too though!
Easter was wonderful
We had good sales this easter! With Daryl's good planning with had a great amount of baby rabbits for Easter! Still have a few leftover and I need to put a few ads out. Every year we try and put the money back into the rabbitry. This year we plan to hang out rabbit cages and make a flush clean system. I am excited about the barn changes!
Friday, April 8, 2011
My little duckies
Here is my three little ducks we got last weekend. They are doing great, but they do eat alot.
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Tuesday, April 5, 2011
Daryl bought ducks!
Muscovy ducks. He got 3 and they are really cute! We have them set up in the house for now. The big plan is to have a small little pond for them to hang out by. Will post pics soon.
Monday, April 4, 2011
Peach tree
Here is the blooms of our peach tree. Took the picture couple weeks ago and now you can see where there might be two peaches growing.
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Egg farts?
Ok, so here are three egg farts on the left and average eggs on the right. They are kindof funny little mishaps.
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Turkey eggs
Here is our first turkey egg of the season. We are going to hatch them this time, hopfully. Got the incubator set up and ready to go.
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Baby e-lops
Here are two of our baby english lops. Yes they love taking pics.
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Friday, April 1, 2011
Here are our new little pigs. Mary went to a farm day event near by and came home with three little pigs.
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Monday, March 28, 2011
Rabbit playtime
Here are a few of our baby rabbits out enjoying some playtime.
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Here is Turkeylett, our now free range turkey. We have raised him from a chuck, hopefully he sticks around.
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Friday, March 18, 2011
another week
So this past week, we have gotten alot done with the gardens. Both boats are done with a little room left for some purple tomatoes. I got both of my raised beds built and all filled in. Trying square foot gardening this time. I have beans, peas, lettuce, sunflowers, watermelon, onions, potatoes and sweet potatoes. I also have peppers and tomatoes I am putting in upside down containers I made myself.
Still have more to do but with building the fence, getting rabbits ready for easter, eggs in the incubator, chicks and chickens on the outside. I think it was a successful week. I will post pics later of my garden. Oh, also going to try sugar cane as well. (Looks Like bamboo to me.)
Well, that's it for now.
Still have more to do but with building the fence, getting rabbits ready for easter, eggs in the incubator, chicks and chickens on the outside. I think it was a successful week. I will post pics later of my garden. Oh, also going to try sugar cane as well. (Looks Like bamboo to me.)
Well, that's it for now.
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So our bamboos have made it and little shoots are coming up now. Maybe they will shoot more this year.
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All the mamas & E-lop mamas
Oh it has been a full house! We have cages stacked up in the 4th bedroom & in the laundry room full of mamas! We took a few outside back to the barn last night too. Now we have 3 more expecting mamas inside! It has been exciting.
What has not been exciting is the losses with the E-lops. Neither one of the mamas took care of their kits and we have fostered the last few of them out to other mamas this morning. We just have to wait and see how the kits do. It was sad. We just aren't sure why neither mama took care of the babies. Tay (E-lop) had kits before and showed no intrest in them, but this time so did show inttrest, but many of the kits did not make it.
We have had many 1st timers that have done really well though and that is nice to see! The last of the mamas are due tonight! It will be exciting! Well, we may have 1 more here soon too, Tanner will be coming up. She is like a old pro so no worries there.
What has not been exciting is the losses with the E-lops. Neither one of the mamas took care of their kits and we have fostered the last few of them out to other mamas this morning. We just have to wait and see how the kits do. It was sad. We just aren't sure why neither mama took care of the babies. Tay (E-lop) had kits before and showed no intrest in them, but this time so did show inttrest, but many of the kits did not make it.
We have had many 1st timers that have done really well though and that is nice to see! The last of the mamas are due tonight! It will be exciting! Well, we may have 1 more here soon too, Tanner will be coming up. She is like a old pro so no worries there.
Wednesday, March 9, 2011
Bunny Time
Its time to get ready for the moms. Here is one of our first timers getting ready
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Farm Week
Ok so this week we are going to work alot on the farm getting everything done. Getting my raised beds completed. Planting all the seedlings at the end of next week. All of our rabbits are due to have babies by the end of next week also. So a busy time a coming....
Wednesday, March 2, 2011
Neighbor Dogs
So last night I confronted the neighbor about his aggressive dogs. The dogs come into my yard pretty often now.They are very large pit & rot mixed dogs and all are very aggressive. I worry so much cause they run and snap at me at the fence line & there is a spot pushed up at back corner of our property. I showed the neighbor and he told me to fix his fence if I was so worried about it. Neighbor seemed mad at me for bringing it up. I have been so upset about this...... Like his huge dogs would kill all the animals on my farm and the owner will not even take the time to fix his own fence! Ridiculous! So on Daryl's days off we will do our best to fix the fence while the dog snaps and snarles at us. Very scary. I just wanta feel safe on my own property again. I am sad that out nice neighbor relationship is over. Guess it was bound to happen. He has over 5 very large aggressive dogs and I own a farm. I am hoping there is never a "next time" there is a problem with his dogs on my farm, but if there is I will have to call animal control because the owner will not take responsibility for his animals.
Pregnant does!
WOOHOO! The does are starting to get moody so we know they are pregnant! I am so excited. Mixy's kits are over a week old now and we have actually sold 2 of them. And I brought in my favorite rabbit Isabella yesterday. She started to pull hair and you can feel her buns moving around in her tummy. I am so excited for her! I went to check out another lionhead doe today and she bit me....sure sign she is pregnant cause she is normally so super sweet. I am really excited about the babies! Hope we end up with lots of them! :)
Manure, eggs & rabbit sales
So yesterday I sold a little bit of everything! Was a great day! I was busy from early in the morning till 3 pm. Made a pretty good amount of money too! I sure did get my workout in scooping manure with the guy that came out 2 different times.
Thursday, February 17, 2011
manure sales
So I have sold 16 bags of rabbit manure this week. I am learning the easiest ways to do it too. I get those bags so heavy that I can't pick them up! So next time I will fill them while on the trailer ;) maybe we outta be in the manure business! Haha! $5.00 a bag if anyone needs any! Daryl also found a neighbor willing to give us feed bags. I could have sold much more if I just had more bags. Everyone is getting ready for spring gardening and I am happy to help out by selling the poo!
Easter Prep
So this point I am REALLY wondering if we will have rabbits to sell at easter. I am always worried before hand and most years we make out ok. It is not as easy as people think. I saw some other rabbit breeders talking about it at fb. That phrase about multiplying like rabbits just isn't so true. It is not easy to get rabbits to breed, or at least the ones you want together to breed! We have 1 doe in the house right now. daryl says she is pregnant, she was one of our free range rabbits so the daddy is unknown! We saw her run through the yard with a wad of pine needles in her mouth (she was nesting). So now we wait.
I am off to feed the animals!
I am off to feed the animals!
warmer weather
Oh this week has been so pretty! Highs in the 70s and no freezing nights! So nice! Over daryl's last days off we got out and did some work on the farm. Got another rooster area set up, got another old boat positioned so it can be a above ground garden and did some yard cleanup. it is looking great outside! We also moved a few roos around & bred more rabbits. I am so looking forward to spring! I am sure we will have more cold weather before it actually gets here, but for now I am going to enjoy the sunshine!
Monday, February 7, 2011
Ok, this is the last blog! Haha, I haven't been updating like I should! Tonight I am starting my seeds. I have my peats all puffed out on the kitchen counter now. Really here in Florida we have just 4-6 weeks before Spring & I can't wait! I miss the warm weather and the sunshine!
So I have started the incubator and set the eggs! WOOHOO! Hope to hear the sounds of peeps in the next 20 days & I can't wait! I am selling some and giving a few to a friend. Any extras will belisted for sale. We did EEs, silkies, 1 Duccle, cochins & frizzles.
So like I mentioned in the previous blog we are pretty sure jenny has a stran of the herpes virus. We bought a vet book over the weekend that showed us pictures and they match the way Jenny looks. I had also called the older man we purchased her from and he knew nothing about it. His Jack is the carrier of it and he needed to know about it. The man is currently selling the rest of his donkeys so I have no idea if he will tell anyone purchasing them. I doubt it. So Daryl I I have read that the virus is the same as with humans and the outbreaks come and go. We do plan to have a vet come out and do a farm call sometime in the next few weeks. I just hope my pretty jenny is not pregnant. Donkey's with Jenny's condition can give birth to babies that have respiratory problems. I would just be happy having my Jenny not go through all that!
So since I was unable to find any info on this I wanted to post about it so maybe I can help other people looking for information. I will post more as we learn more.
So since I was unable to find any info on this I wanted to post about it so maybe I can help other people looking for information. I will post more as we learn more.
Shopping for Jenny
So Saturday we headed up to Dothan and did some shopping for Jenny. We went to Jeffers. We got her big totes with the handles for her food and water (and of course we got pink) we made a tag for her halter, got her wormer, file & foot meds & few other things for her. Oh we got books too. Now we should be well informed on Jenny. We are pretty sure now that she has a stran of the herpes virus, but from what we read it is common and it can clear up on it's own. But anyways, we seem to have everything we need for her now.
Wednesday, February 2, 2011
Mary and Jenny
Mary giving Jenny a good brushing, just before she goes rolling around on the ground.
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Tuesday, February 1, 2011
Nice morning
Right now the weather is so nice! 70 degrees, sun is out & my animals are loving it! I got a handful of hatching eggs for the incubator & my Tom was gobbling like crazy & all puffed out! Everytime I'd hollar at him he'd gobble again! It was neat! There are storms coming in this afternoon, but right now the weather is great!
Wednesday, January 26, 2011
Jenny - Our Donkey
Here is Jenny, our new donkey. She stayed in the rabbit barn for a couple of nights till we finished her new pen. The rabbits were scared .....
She is now in her new area and loves grazing. Jenny comes up to the gate when Mary goes out to play with her. I think she is getting use to us now.
She is now in her new area and loves grazing. Jenny comes up to the gate when Mary goes out to play with her. I think she is getting use to us now.
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